Purnendu Dash

Purnendu Dash

Pannel Discussion: Future of WordPress Business in 2019 & Beyond

Topic Category: WordPress Business


Speaker Bio:

Purnendu is an open source developer by passion. This passion gave him the high to became the founder of WC Marketplace amongst his other ideas. He cares for his customer the most, because most of his ideas have come after having some intense dialogues with them. And he believes in going beyond the technology and providing his customers a practical solution for his or her business.

He started working with WordPress in 2008. The journey started with a theme development, then moved on to other areas like hooks & filters. Now WordPress made him an enthusiast entrepreneur leading an entire entourage of ‘Digital Age’ that services in anything WordPress, Moodle and Internet Marketing.

Though he has a Master’s degree in Computer Applications, he still considers himself a student who explores the media and the web to feed himself with anything geeky, ‘economicky’ and ‘businessy’. He might not sound that rabid here to say that – “Feel free to get in touch and we might end up having a cup of Indian tea or travel to Ladakh”. You may reach him on Twitter at @dashpurnendu / on slack @purnendu.

Intended Audience: Entrepreneurs, Startups and Small Businesses

Talk Type: Panel Discussion


WordCamp Kolkata, West Bengal, India is over. Check out the next edition!